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kasia klon
116x86 cm; Acrylique sur toile
Les gouttes d'eau
Huile et acrylique sur toile
12 peintures actuellement exposées à l'expo Le Jardin Secret à Paris.
La série Aphrodite constitue ma représentation personnelle de créatures appelées Sea angels (Gymnosomata). Je me suis inspirée du mythe de la naissance d’Aphrodite et de la théorie de l’évolution. La déesse grecque, comme tout être vivant, est issue des océans. En observant ces créatures magnifiques il est difficile d’éviter la comparaison avec la subtilité et le mystère de l’éternel féminin. La lumière qui émane des ténèbres irradie avec ses couleurs, la douceur et la fluidité des formes embrasent le regard de celui qui observe. Ce qui m’impressionne sur la forme, c’est son aspect symétrique et presque parfait malgré son origine organique. L’objectif est ici de rechercher l’essence originelle de la beauté, de la fertilité et du désir. Les créatures représentées séduisent par leur sensualité. Tous les tableaux, outre le fait qu’ils soient tous différents, présentent le même rapport à l’évolution, qui mène à la forme ultime,celui de la Déesse.
Les photos de l'expo sont disponibles sur ma page facebook:
La première goutte d'eau
La dernière goutte d'eau
Hypersensibilité ou p-Phénylènediamine
116x86 cm; Acrylique sur toile
116x86 Acryl on canvass
116x86 Acryl on canvass
116x86 Acryl on canvass
116x86 Acryl on canvass
116x86 Acryl on canvass
116x81cm acryl on canvass 2015
116x81cm acryl on canvass 2016
116x81cm acryl on canvass 2016
116x81cm acryl on canvass 2016
116x81cm acryl on canvass 2016
In September 2013 after eight years of mastering my levels in printmaking techniques, I was finally getting my diploma form Academy of Fine Arts. I was honored with the highest grade and selected for Best Diplomas of 2013 competition. But than my health begun to fail. My face got swollen, I had troubles breathing, red spots appeared all over my body and I didn’t know what was happening. It went off and on for few months. And it was a painful nightmare. After making official tests I was diagnosed with PPD allergy, one of the components of printing ink. The doctor explained that allergy is incurable, can be very dangerous for my life in case of anaphylactic shock, and the only way to avoid symptoms is to stay away from my current work. I’ve changed my diet, I’ve stopped coloring my hair, threw out all the chemical cosmetics or cleaning supplies if there was a chance it could affect me, I gave up clothing that might had been colored with PPD. I suffered from depression. I didn’t know what should I do now with my life, I was both scared and lacking the new purpose. Felt blocked not being able to express myself. For me painting was a lower, easier medium, that everybody could afford, everybody could do, without knowledge or technical skills. But I felt a desperate need of expressing my frustration. Finally after one year, I decided to use painting to portrait my sickness. It was in a way a therapy. It took time to create, but when it started to look good, it felt as a transformation. I was finally able to overcome my weakness and accept my allergy. I realized that painting was not as easy as I primitively thought, and that it has a great potential for experimentation and exploration. I finally felt creatively unblocked. Since that moment I've started working as a painter.
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